Blogging at midnight, take two.

Okay, so I figured my first blog was a wee bit on the dreary side and that is totally not me. Which I finally came to conclude after reading what I'd written and also remembering the good ol' days back at school. Hmm... let's do a quick update on my life:
I'm back home in the countryside of Oregon living on our 11 acre plot of land that is almost devoid of all human life. My nearest neighbor and friend is about two fields away and he's usually working all the time like me, so we never see each other. Right now I'm employed at a grain elevator (It's where farmers take their wheat and put it in big bins, then we put the wheat onto barges that take the wheat down the Columbia River to Portland, and then it gets shipped to Taiwan or some place like that) and will continue my many adventures there until September when I'll leave for the MTC and then to the Land Down Under.
Work is awesome, though it seems like a dull place to others. I'm always sneaking up on my co-workers, Joey and Dave, trying to scare them but most of the times my plans are foiled by an ill-timed turn of their heads in my direction while I'm crouched in my raptor position (imagine Calvin and Hobbes when Calvin would pretend he was a T-rex) ready to pounce. I also have become friends with a wide variety of animals there including a Kingsbird (The little guy in the picture), a pidgeon, a bull snake, three baby mice (unfortunately the bull snake became acquainted with them also), and a Rockchuck (cousin of the woodchuck).
I would never have dreamed of how many exciting things I would be able to do at my job. For an entire week I worked on a catwalk 125 feet of the ground and then later in some underground passageways about 20 feet below ground, and lastly I am working on a large river-barge at least once a week.
Haha, the coolest thing is that my sister works out there with me also, she sits in the scale house and weighs trucks in and out. She has of late taken up the worshiping of the sun gods, a.k.a. sunbathing. This has proved an inconvenience to me for an odd reason I will explain. One of my coworkers has developed a habit of sneaking over to the the scale house and "accidentally" intruded on my sister while in the process of soaking up the sun. Now don't fret, she wasn't dressed imodestly, just in beach attire. Being her brother and all, I have to protect her from these intrusions and had to devise my own code for notifying her when my coworker was going over to where she sunbathes. The signal was for me to call over the walkie-talkie and use a rarely used color in my sentece. For instance today, as I saw him approaching the scale house, I said: "Um, ya, this water out here looks very periwinkle if you ask me. Or maybe it's more of a sea green, or pea green." Of course I sounded like an idiot over the radio seeing as how Jennie, my sister, was the only other person listening on the walkie-talkies there who knew I wasn't going around the bend babbling on about the water's color. Jennie, however, was saved from being intruded upon, even though my boss started to look at me funny no doubt thinking I'd spent just a little too much time under the sun.
I believe I have done well enough in bringing my avid readers up to date on my daily happenings so far.
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